Coaching & Mentoring

Professional Development

Coaching & Mentoring

Zyqual’s Coaching & Mentoring feature is designed to support individual teachers and improve their teaching practices through peer support and professional development. This feature allows teachers to access in-school mentoring and data capture, subject-specific tutoring and mentoring, QEC mentoring and coaching, regional mentoring and coaching, as well as automatic identification and assignment of suitable coaches and mentors. With coaching and coachee ratings, teachers are able to track their progress and receive feedback on their performance, which allows for continuous improvement.

Teacher Level

At the Individual Teacher Level, this feature provides teachers with the opportunity to receive personalized support from their colleagues and mentors. Teachers are able to work together to identify areas of improvement and develop action plans that are tailored to their specific needs. For example, a new teacher may be struggling with classroom management and can receive coaching from an experienced teacher on effective strategies to manage student behaviour. Through this feature, teachers can build their skills and confidence in their profession.

At the Subject Level, teachers are able to collaborate with their peers to share best practices and strategies that are specific to their subject area. For example, math teachers can share effective teaching methods for solving complex equations, or English teachers can share effective strategies for teaching writing skills. This collaboration can lead to increased effectiveness in teaching and improved student outcomes.

At the Department Level, the head of department can use the data collected from coaching and mentoring to identify trends and develop targeted professional development plans for the teachers in their department. For example, if multiple teachers are struggling with incorporating technology into their lessons, the head of department can organize professional development sessions on integrating technology into the classroom.

Image of two educators engaged in a coaching and mentoring session, symbolizing Zyqual's commitment to supporting teacher development. The image highlights the value of personalized support and guidance in helping teachers reach their full potential. With Zyqual's coaching and mentoring program, teachers have access to one-on-one feedback, resources, and professional development opportunities designed to meet their unique needs and goals.

Faculty Level

At the Faculty Level, the vice principal can use the data collected from coaching and mentoring to identify trends and develop targeted professional development plans for the departments in their faculty. For example, if multiple departments are struggling with student engagement, the vice principal can organize a faculty-wide professional development session on increasing student engagement.

At the Whole School Level, the principal can use the data collected from coaching and mentoring to identify trends and develop targeted professional development plans for the entire school. For example, if a significant number of teachers are struggling with differentiation, the principal can organize a school-wide professional development session on differentiated instruction.

At the QEC level, the Quality Education Circle Convener can use the data collected from coaching and mentoring to support schools across their QEC. For example, the convener can identify areas of strength and weakness across schools and organize targeted professional development sessions to improve teaching practices and student outcomes.

At the Regional Level, the Education Officer can use the data collected from coaching and mentoring to support schools across their region. For example, the Education Officer can work with schools to develop region-wide professional development plans and identify best practices that can be shared across schools.

At the National or Whole Country Level, the Jamaica Teaching Council can use the data collected from coaching and mentoring to make decisions and provide training or support for teachers across the country. For example, the council can identify areas of weakness across the country and organize targeted professional development sessions or provide resources to support teachers in those areas.

Zyqual’s Coaching & Mentoring feature allows for personalized professional development, collaboration among teachers, and data-driven decision making that can improve teaching practices and student outcomes at all levels of the education system.

Denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are beguiled and demoralized by the charms pleasure moment so blinded desire that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble.

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